How Muscles Help Your Weight
May 14, 2023 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
There is one thing that almost all people pay some attention to which is very, very important for our lives. In fact, if you pay a lot of attention to this one very important thing, you most likely will live much longer. And what is that one thing that can help give us a longer and better life? It’s a healthy weight.
Watching our weight and keeping it at the right levels usually makes our lives much more enjoyable, healthier, and longer. Thankfully, there are a lot of things we can do that can keep our weight where it should be and, wow, that can really help make for a great life.
Most kids don’t pay a lot of attention to their weight and eat everything they want. When we get a little bit older—like in our teens—we pay more attention to how we look and try to eat the right foods in order to become more active in sports or to look better. But a healthy weight is good for us, no matter our age.
I was quite surprised when I discovered that your muscles can actually help you lose weight or keep you at a good weight. Most of us don’t realize that doing things like working out, weightlifting, and even just plain old walking can help with our weight management, not just because these burn calories but because they build muscle.
As we age, it is very common for people to stop working on their muscles all that much, at least until they come to the understanding that building or maintaining a lot of muscle helps their health big time. One of the challenges we have as we age is a loss of muscle which can contribute to gaining more fat. We lose muscle because, as we get older, our muscles wear down and that along with often being less active in our 50s, 60s, and 70s means our muscles are getting smaller and with that comes weight gain as our calories go to fat instead of being burned by muscle.
One of the best types of food we can consume to help us build muscle, get rid of a lot of fat, and control our weight is protein. There are a lot of studies that have shown that eating plenty of protein—like 25 to 30 grams first thing in the morning and then the same amount for lunch and dinner—along with lots of moving and lifting weights–will help you keep and build your muscle and burn fat. Some great, healthy foods that are high in protein include fish, chicken, lean beef, eggs, soy, beans, lentils, pumpkin seeds, nuts, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, cheese, and milk.
When it comes to exercise, you don’t have to run to burn fat or build muscle. A lot of walking and staying very active helps build muscle which helps you burn more fat. I usually walk 10,000 to 12,000 steps a day and it’s done wonders for my health. It makes me feel so good in addition to helping me maintain my ideal weight while sending more blood to the brain which helps our memory and thinking.
So, let’s all of us humans work out regularly and eat more protein so we can look forward to a longer life and a healthier body.
Signs and Habits for Longevity
May 8, 2022 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog

Recently, I was going through some old files, and I came across notes I wrote about living a very long life. I wrote it in 2008, but as I reread what I’m calling the “12 Signs and Habits for Longevityâ€, I was re-motivated to pay more attention to those 12 signs.
I thought I’d share them with you as well and I hope that they are as helpful to you as they were, and still are, to me.
1. Drink 2 cups of green or white tea every day.
2. Take 30 minutes each day to walk, bike, or run.
3. Don’t drink a lot of soda.
4. Work out your lower body and legs to give you more strength.
5. Eat more blueberries and red grapes as well as having a little of red wine here and there to reduce the risk of heart disease and Alzheimer.
6. Eat little or no beef to reduce your risk of colorectal cancer.
7. Get a college education if you can. Statistically, it increases your life expectancy by 18 months or more.
8. Reduce or try to eliminate chronic stress as it weakens the immune system and increases cellular aging, shorting life expectancy by 4 to 8 years.
9. Hang out with more healthy people.
10. Work on keeping your weight down. Don’t use housekeepers or gardeners to maintain your house, but do it yourself to burn more calories and help control your weight.
11. Work on having a very positive outlook and sense of purpose.
12. Give yourself over to helping other people, not just your family, but old friends and new friends as well.
If there are things on this list, you can do or change in your life to live better and longer, now is the time to do it!
Raise Your Energy
November 1, 2020 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
As I said last week, I did let my social life go down the toilet, even though our social lives are a very important part of our life. Of course, COVID-19 didn’t help any but then I had a big health set back this last weekend. It jolted my brain and made me realize there was a part of my life that didn’t get flushed down. As a matter fact it took a big jump up.
So you know, my health setback was in the form of big stomach pains that were so painful I couldn’t sleep at night. It also really messed up my thinking and activities the next day and beyond.
It was during these episodes that I realized that even though my social life slipped a ton, my physical movement and life had taken a leap up. Of course, with this damn coronavirus, and not getting together with friends and family very often, it left me with plenty of time on my hands, or should I say in my “on my feet”.
My long walks around our new neighborhood and in the canyon really took off. I’ve written before about my walking goal of 20,000 steps a day (Thank heavens for my FitBit!) but with lots of time on my hands I started walking 25,000 steps every day and sometimes 30,000. My all-time high for one week was 210,000 steps and, wow, does that ever make a person feel good! Well, I am tired at night but overall, it feels good and lifts my health big time.
As recommended in one of my favorite little books, Inner Simplicity by Elain St. James, “Start a healthful exercise program such as walking and a limbering program such as yoga or stretching.”
That stretching, which I do before my long walks, has helped a lot and is especially important as we get older. St. James also says that “studies have shown that it’s the loss of elasticity in our muscles and the tightening of our joints that create the immobility of our advancing years.”
We all need more energy but as we get older, we notice the energy levels dropping quite a bit. Elaine says sleep is important to keep your energy up but she also warns you to “become aware of the situations and people that drain your energy.” So, try to avoid or limit time with those people.
Additionally, she says, “Sometimes you can find yourself completely deprived of energy for no apparent reason. It’s important at those times to examine what you’ve been doing, talking, or thinking about, or what you’ve been eating or drinking, so you can eliminate as much as possible not only the obvious energy drains but the subtle ones as well.”
In conclusion, she wrote that you should “keep your eyes and feelings open for the situations and the people and the happenings that raise your energy, lift you spirits, and make you feel terrific.”
For me, it’s kind of strange that all my thousands of steps, out in the wonderful outdoors, rather than draining me, lifts my energy as it lifts my spirits! So, just a little advice to you, which you probably already know—if you are feeling down go outside and walk around. The sky, air, and nature will almost certainly lift you spirits and life.
Keep Moving!
January 12, 2020 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
So, we are already nearly 2 weeks into the new year. Have you finished writing your New Year’s resolutions? If not, it’s still not too late to begin. Hopefully you have a detailed, clear, and measurable set of goals by now. If you’ve got that, then fantastic! But, now, when do you start on your list? Without an actual start date and a few actionable steps planned out, what chance do you have of your dreams, goals, and resolutions becoming real. So, if you haven’t finished your list or have yet to start acting on it, I would say do it now!
As we begin this new year, I have a few bits of advice that I think are so very critical. For one, to live longer you must have a big picture of what you want to achieve and not just have a routine you work away at. Secondly, never stop working on your health! Keep moving!
From Ilchi Lee’s great book, I’ve Decided to Live 120 Years, there are a couple great bits of advice that really stand out in my mind. He states that people who have a positive perspective on aging live, on average, 7.5 years longer than the average person. He also makes the point that to live longer you need to have a goal and a design for the time you have left.
He shares lots of statistics and information on a very critical part of living a long, long life which is to keep moving. No, you don’t have to run a ton. Long walks every day give the same great health benefits and longevity to your life. Even just 150 minutes a week of walking can add 2.4 years to your life and 3.4 years if you double those minutes.
Six years ago, on my 69th birthday, I really started to think much more seriously about my age and how much longer I might have to live. It was on that birthday that I decided to start moving more and came up with my plan for walking, walking, and more walking. A huge part of my decision to do lots of walking was the small but great birthday gift my wife Kimberly gave me – a Fitbit. You put it on your wrist or put it in your pocket and it counts every step you take.
I began by setting a goal of 5,000 steps a day and soon was going more than that, so I move the goal to 10,000 steps and later to 20,000 steps every day. I’ve stuck with it since that birthday and, wow, I feel so much better, plus my tennis game improved a ton and I’m am convinced that those steps are increasing my life span. It is such a simple and easy exercise routine that gives such great rewards.
In his book, Mr. Lee lists 7 common statements that he has heard over the years from people who walked a bunch.
- I didn’t realize the way you walk is so important.
- Walking is so fun and exciting.
- The heavy pain that was in my legs and feet has vanished and they are lighter now.
- I used to suffer from insomnia, but now I can get deep sleep.
- My complexion has improved and my body feels lighter.
6, I usually become anxious and tense, but I have much more peace of mind now.
- My body has more energy, my head is clearer, and my focus on work has increased.
Hippocrates agrees. He is quoted as saying, “Walking is man’s best medicine.” I love that quote.
So, let’s all keep moving and moving. Get a Fitbit and start keeping track of your progress. If you do, and if you are anything like me, you will find yourself competing more and more with yourself. As a result, you will feel better and your health will most likely be lifted up a notch, if not two!
The CRON Diet: The Fountain of Youth
January 5, 2020 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
Alright, last week I promised to write a bit about the diet that I truly believe will greatly extend your life as well as help you live better. Would you believe that you can get those huge benefits from just what you put in your mouth? It’s true. There is a diet that really improves your health and extends your life.
The diet I’m talking about is known as the CRON diet (Calorie Restriction, Optimum Nutrition). The idea is that you will keep your calorie intake down enough to keep lean while still giving your body all the supportive energizing nutrition to stay healthy.
Studies of this particular diet showed significant increases in longevity and health in laboratory mice. I certainly noticed it in myself when I changed my eating habits to follow a CRON diet. I’ve had more energy, lost weight, seen much better ease of movement, and I feel so much better. I really believe that this diet will extend my life by quite a few years. Who wouldn’t want all that?
This diet is not as difficult as it may sound at first. You don’t have to go hungry. You just need to make better food choices and watch your portions. Here are the basic guidelines.
- Focus on eating low calorie, high nutrition foods, such as fruits and veggies.
- Eat just a couple small servings of protein in the form of fish, lean meats, nuts, beans, soy, and egg white.
- Greatly reduce eating processed foods and sugary drinks.
- Cut back on high calorie, minimally nutritious fats except omega 3 fatty acids found in fish and flaxseed.
- Cut back on starches although it is okay to eat small portions of whole grains.
- Eat 4 or 5 small balanced meals throughout the day rather than 2 or 3 big meals.
Follow these guidelines and learn to eat well before you try to lose weight. Once you start eating more nutritious, lower calorie foods, you can start cutting back on total calories to reach your optimum weight. Lose weight slowly, at a rate of 1%-2% of your present weight per month. This gives your body time to adjust which is easier on you and makes it more likely that the weight will stay off.
Now, that’s not a very scary or difficult diet to follow, is it? There are no special foods or special preparations. There’s just your determination to be good to yourself. Go ahead and discuss this with your doctor and find out what a good target weight is for you and then go for it!
You might want to look over the calorie restriction website, to find a good book or two on this subject. I think if this gives you much better health and extends your life by quite a bit it’s certainly worth the effort!
Next week, I want to talk more about health and how critical it is to keep moving, especially as you get older. Keep running or jogging as long as you can and, if you really can’t run, at least walk. Walking can extend your life and raise your health to very high levels. Believe it or not, I walked approximately 3600 miles in the great year of 2019 and, wow, did it ever feel good. Now in 2020 I’ve set more walking goals along with those low-calorie goals. It’s going to be a good year!
17 Proven Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels
December 1, 2019 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
If you have high energy levels, life is so much more enjoyable and, of course, you can get a ton of stuff done. I’m not just talking about work stuff either. With high energy levels there’s tons of fun things and experiences that you can enjoy. As we age, our energy levels begin to drop, but there are many ways that you can lift or boost your energy and that makes life so much more fun and interesting.
Whether it’s for work or play, family or friends, whether you’re young or old, we could all use a little bit more energy. So here is a list of proven ways to boost your energy levels.
- Set big and exciting goals to put your BIG dreams into action. Be sure to make a list of those big dreams and to put a time frame on those goals.
- Take a good look at your list of goals, either the night before or the morning of, so you wake ready and focused which will give you with lots of energy that day.
- Eat more nutritious foods — lots of fruits and vegetables.
- Drink green tea to help overcome that mid-morning slump.
- Get plenty of exposure to natural light.
- Ease your stress by simplifying your life and mainly, or exclusively, pursue your life’s priority items.
- Heal yourself by being more grateful as well as loving more and letting go of all anger.
- Thinking good thoughts and increasing your positive self-talk can stimulate good neurotransmitters called endorphins.
- Play and exercise daily as that releases more endorphins and dopamine, which will boost your mental and physical energy.
- Keep moving, even if it’s just walking. My fit bit was a fantastic gift. It got me walking at least 5.000 steps a day at first then I began getting 10,000 steps a day and now I consistently get 20,000 steps in a day. That is about 10 miles, but I break up those steps during the day and it doesn’t seem like 10 miles. it always surprises me that doing all that walking gives me even more energy.) My all-time best steps in one day was 40,111. Not bad for 75-year-old dude!
- Get lots of sleep, but not too much, and take a nap when needed.
- Take time for a few minutes of yoga stretching and a bit of meditation for a morning boost.
- Listen to your favorite music. For some people it may be music with a heart pounding beat. To others it may be inspirational symphonic music.
- Socialize with energetic friends and family.
- Go visit new and different places such as new states, cities, or countries, but it also works to just drive or walk through a different neighborhood.
- Drink lots of water. Dehydration drains energy.
- Talk to yourself using positive affirmations. Some of my favorites are:
- I am strong and worthy.
- I’m upbeat and positive
- I have lots of stamina and energy. (I use that one a lot before and during my tennis matches.)
Okay, and here is one last one that may seem strange, but it works. Take huge breaths, exhaling slowly and do a it many times. I do it 100 times without stopping, which takes only about 10 minutes and the reward is a very calm and energy filled mind and body. It also works to help you go to sleep at night which helps with item number 11.
This and all the above will give you lots of energy throughout your day!
The Healthy Second Half
April 5, 2019 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
As most people know, good health is vitally important to all of us. I’ve learned over the years that there are at least 20 things you and I can do to add 20 years to our life and enjoy those years in good, or even great, health. But as you know, if you read my blog 2 weeks ago, I gave you only the first 10 of those 20 items so far. Now, here are the other 10 ways to possibly add 20 years to your life.
- Take control of you own life – take the lead and start a physical program and stick with it.
- Get red in your diet. Eat tomatoes and red veggies as these are known to reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer.
- Shake off the salt. No more than 2000 milligrams a day.
- Meditate – it’s the ultimate relaxant and takes just 20 minutes a day. It can reduce your stress level and better your life.
- Â Don’t ever eat hydrogenated oils.
- Stay out of the smog and bad air.
- Get a pet.
- Get a life partner. People with a companion live longer.
- Have a lot of sex. Large studies show more sex equals longer life.
- Drink lots of water – at least eight 8 oz. glasses every day.
And here is a bonus one to make it 21. Give to others. Give love, time, laughter, money, compliments, and appreciation. That will make you and the one you are giving to feel better and that feeling of well-being will help you both to live a longer and happier life.
But wait… there’s more! Here is another bonus list:
A Dozen More Signs and Habits for Longevity
- Drink 2 or 3 cups of green or white tea daily.
- Spend 30 minutes a day walking, biking, working out, etc.
- Don’t drink soda.
- Build your lower body strength. In other words, legs.
- Eat lots of blueberries, red grapes, red fruits, and drink small amounts of red wine.
- Control your weight. Slim is in and can keep you in the game of life longer.
- Eat no beef or very, very little.
- Stay mentally active – get a college education or equivalent.
- Relieve stress with better and more interpersonal relationships. Chronic stress weakens the immune system and ages cells faster.
- Hang out with healthy people.
- Have, and maintain, a positive outlook and a sense of purpose.
- Do good things for others and have a good strong sense of community.
That’s it! I hope these items are motivating and helpful and, if you use them, that they extend a long, healthy life for you. I also hope you share this with the ones that you love, to help them achieve a long and healthy life as well!
The Great Life List
April 27, 2018 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
Wow, what a week I had. I had the hell scared out of me when the doctor told me I had liver cancer! Not a fun beginning of the week, to say the least. But, after a super intense week of blood tests, several scans, and having a camera look around at my insides, the doctors concluded that, in fact, I didn’t have a diseased liver! Yay team! But yeah, wow, what a huge mental change and difference that made in my brain.
Yes, I know, I am 74 years old now and I won’t live forever, but this big-time scare has motivated me to use what time I do have to its best use. Not just for me, but for my family, friends, and even strangers. I think I’ve been giving back but I know there is so much more that can be done.
All of us humans get the same 168 hours a week, but the key to success in helping yourself and others is in how we choose to spend those hours. I know I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating: To make sure you get more done each day, set goals and be sure to write them down. I hope you are doing this. It is not enough just to set goals. If you are like me – and I think most people are – when you write an objective, task, or goal down, your brain pushes you harder to make sure you complete that task!
My recent big-time scare has motivated me to make a list of what I learned from it. What is really important in this very short life is to raise our spirits, happiness levels, and contentment with life and living.
Here’s what I came up with.
- Mental and physical pain can be a great life teacher.
- Place the highest value on LOVE.
- “There is more to life than increasing it’s speed.” – Mahatma Gandhi
- The biggest most challenging things can be the more rewarding.
- Slow yourself down and bask more in the pleasure of living.
- Pause and take time to appreciate the right now moment.
- Meditate, even for just 10 minutes a day.
- “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” – Eleanor Roosevelt
- Go ahead and fake confidence even when you are not confident.
- Lift your happiness and relaxation levels by getting organized.
- Get outside daily and study and observe the sky, the clouds, and your surroundings.
- Exercise daily even by just walking or strolling; maybe hike or jog in new places.
- Surround yourself with diverse people and spend more time with family and friends.
- Take time to document a special trip or occasion with photos and even write a short story about it.
I do hope that this list will help you as much as it has helped me. I find that by thinking about these kinds
of things and then writing it all down cements it more deeply in my mind. I am going to push myself to
revisit the list from time to time. I hope you will revisit this, or your own similar list, on a regular basis as well.
Stress as Good And Bad
March 18, 2017 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
This week I want to talk about stress. I am even a bit stressed about getting this written in time to post it! There is a lot to stress about. Because of that people have come up with all sorts of ways and methods to reduce stress. However, stress can be good because it can push you to get more done and try harder to reach your goals. And, get this, you can actually learn how to make it so that even a ton of stress doesn’t hurt or ruin your health! I think you will be surprised and delighted to learn how to do this, as I was. But let’s examine how we think about stress for a minute.
As most people know, stress seems to be caused, for the most part, by our thinking and worrying about some future event–near or far. There is, however, two bits of really good news about stress. We all know that if we wanted to be a better or even a great tennis player, golfer, singer, writer, public speaker, etcetera, there are ways to become just that. One of the best methods is the “10,000-hour rule” as explained in Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers. (If you haven’t read the book, I think it’s a must.) It says you need to put in 10,000 hours at something to become world-class in that field.
From my experience and from what I read, we as humans can do “work outs” and do lots of “practice sessions” with and for our brains, just like we can invest those 10,000 hours to become the best at something. Part of the good news is that, when it’s needed, it doesn’t take 10,000 practice hours to reduce stress.
So, before I get to the good news about how stress isn’t always bad for you and your health, let me just list a few simple techniques that are easy to do to reduce or eliminate stress when you know it isn’t doing you any good:
- Take a walk outside.
- Take a run in a new neighborhood.
- Take a Hike.
- Meditate.
- Go to a yoga class.
- Share your problems or stress with others.
- Get a massage.
- Take a hot bath or jump in a hot tub.
- Do a good deed for someone else.
- Give or get hugs and kisses from friends and relatives.
These simple things are easy to do and are well known to work.
Okay, that is all well and good but what about the big shocker I’ve been hinting at? This is something that hit me hard. It has to do with changing a person’s thinking and how what they believe changes their health and life span. It is pretty amazing and I will cover it next week. But in the meantime, de-stress as needed and start getting used to the idea that it’s not always bad to be stressed. Then tune in next week to see what I mean!
The Staying Young Secret: Keep Body and Mind Moving
November 18, 2016 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
My dear wife gave me a Fitbit on my last birthday and that little tool has truly helped me get in better shape, just a little ‘bit’ at a time. Last week I broke my all-time record for steps and distance by walking and running just over 186,000 steps or 71.9 miles for the week. Wow … did that ever make me feel good and young again. And it’s now just a few months before my 73rd birthday.
Fitbit … what a great name for that little device that propels, persuades and motivates people to compete with themselves to keep moving and hit bigger and bigger numbers. It gets you fit a bit at a time.
An additional way to feel and stay young is to work on the top of our body–that would be by being kind to your mind. You have to keep the brain moving too and there are lots of ways to do this.
One way is to put a little bit more strain on the brain or, in other words, push yourself to think more, read more, and a do a bit of writing to others or in a personal journal. These kinds of activities have been proven to expand and improve the human mind. You might even push yourself to write a book.
It doesn’t matter if you can’t get someone to publish your book–I couldn’t initially get published with my first book. You can do what I did instead–I published it myself and later Bantam books decided to publish it. Don’t know what to write about? You can start by writing an autobiography or memoir type of book. Remember, it’s not only good for your brain but just think of what you’ll be passing on to your kids and grandkids. They’ll love it and will probably still be reading it long after you check out of this life. It’s a win-win … you end up helping your brain and, no doubt, the brain of others.
It’s really a shame that so many people, as they age, begin to give up on physical and mental movement. I’m not saying that it is easy but most things in life that are really worthwhile take effort and even a bit of pain. But at the end of the day or the end of life the rewards are so very worth it!
So why not set some goals to read more books and write one yourself and at the same time? Get up off the sofa and go for a walk or a run and do it every day. And one other good brain builder is to have good, deep conversations with other people. So, let’s all go out there and create permanent good habits for the brain and the body so you can feel younger for many, many years to come.