Questioning Social Media
February 18, 2024 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
In today’s world, so dominated by social media, we may find ourselves under the impression that a lot of other people out there have near perfect lives. I mean look at virtually anyone’s Facebook or Instagram and you’ll see all these fun pictures, pretty faces, amazing talent, and supportive comments. Much of what we see is the good stuff, and of course, there is nothing wrong with that, but it sure can make a lot of people feel and believe that their own lives, filled with challenges, big ups and downs, and stress inducing problems are really messed up, which can result in self-pity, depression and, in the worst cases, even suicide.
The fact is, nobody’s life is perfect or even close, but when you’re looking from the outside you might be tricked into thinking that other people are doing tons better than you because of the limited view you get. If you take time to look and probe on a deeper level, you will see that the surface view can be very misleading since people don’t tend to post about their failures and problems, preferring to show just their successes and fun times. But very often these positive posts hide troubled lives and minds.
So, if you really want to know the truth and gain insight into a person’s actual and complete life, so you have a realistic view and can be ready and open to help them, you need to dig deeper. One easy way to do this is by simply asking the right questions. For example, pick a friend or relative that seems to be doing well according to their social media postings and ask questions like these:
1. What are the biggest challenges you are having in life right now?
2. Do you ever get down or depressed? (If they say yes, ask how often and what causes it.)
3. What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you?
4. Do you think much about your own mortality?
5. What in your life scares you the most?
6. Have you experienced any great tragedy in your life? If so, what happened?
7. Do you worry and think about tragedy striking you in the future?
If you take a little time, you certainly can add your own probing questions to this list.
I’m pretty sure if you question those who you think have “the perfect life” you will find, as I have, that no matter how rich and famous or easy their lives look from the outside, they too have their problems and challenges and many times much larger problems that you would have ever guessed.
Asking questions can help you see and understand, not just these other people, but also yourself. It can get rid of those feelings of self-pity or not being good enough. It can even lift you out of a state of depression, not just because you’ll see that your life is no worse, and sometimes better than other peoples’, but because looking outside yourself and looking for ways to help others can really lift your spirits and your life.
But I think, most importantly, knowing the challenges and problems that your relatives and friends are dealing with puts you in the perfect position to step up and help them overcome some of their problems, challenges, and obstacles. This makes it a real win-win for you both. And all it took was asking a few questions!
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