Good Mood is in Your Food
July 31, 2022 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog

Depression. it’s something none of us humans like but, at certain stages of life and under various circumstances, many of us have been hit by the big, bad D word.
In 2020, there were about just under 15 million cases of major depression in the United States. Not surprisingly, when Covid it, there was a 25% increase in depression cases. It’s also interesting to note that more people get depressed on Sunday than any other day of the week. Perhaps it’s because, both during pandemic restrictions and on Sundays, we have less structure in our lives. During those times, we may have gone without goals or plans and, certainly during the pandemic lockdown, routines were often thrown out the window.
Certainly, having a set routine and goals for the day can help a lot with depression, but there are several other methods for avoiding or getting rid of depression if you get hit with it. There is even one surprisingly simple way to reduce the likelihood of depression. Would you believe that simple thing is the foods that you eat?
I’ve read a lot about this and, from what I’ve found, I have been able to create a list of some of the most helpful foods for getting you out of a depressed state of mind. Here are some that I focus on:
- Nuts, especially almonds
- Fresh strawberries
- Yogurt
- Whole grain bread
- Celery
- Bananas
- Beans
- Peanut butter
- Ginger tea
- Foods rich in vitamin B, C, D, E, and zinc such as avocado, peas, spinach
There are certain vitamins and supplements that help a lot as well:
- B vitamins, especially B12 and Folate
- Vitamin C, D, E
- Ginkgo biloba extract
- St. John’s wort
- 5 HTP
- Turmeric
- Folic acid
- Folic acid
- L-tyrosine
- Magnesium
You also want to drink lots of water and drink very little or no alcohol.
I eat and take most of the above and it has helped me big time. There are a lot more foods and supplements that help reduce or eliminate depression though. So, if you are struggling, or someone close to you needs help in that part of their life, look up options on the internet and, most importantly, talk to your doctor about changes to your diet and supplement regimen.
Although diet is very important, don’t forget those other simple things you can do to get out, and stay out, of those depressive moods. Set agendas and routines for yourself, get outside, and try new things such as walking through new neighborhoods, meeting new people, or planning a vacation or weekend getaway to some place you’ve never been and know very little about.
Remember, the mind craves unique places, novel experiences, new friends, and interesting new people, and when we are not getting those things, increases our chances of falling into a depression. So, push yourself to find those new places and people as well as switching up your diet to support a healthy and positive mood.
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