A Great Means To a Great End
A few days ago I was at Wal-Mart when a very pregnant lady followed by a little girl kind of cut me off with her shopping cart. She apologized and I said “Hey there’s a little girl following you and it looks like another kid is right in front of youâ€, speaking of her unborn child. This made her laugh.
As I checked out, this same lady with her daughter and husband ended up in line right behind me.
I overheard the husband and wife quietly discussing that they couldn’t afford to buy a pair of gloves that they needed and this on a very, very cold day. So as they talked I casually moved the little bar that separated their purchases from mine, putting about $50 or $60 dollars worth of items on my side.
A moment later, as the casher scanned the items, the mother looked up and said “Wait a minute. That’s our stuff that she’s scanning!â€Â I said†I know it is and I am going to pay for it.â€Â She then had a very puzzled look on her face. I quickly added “It’s ok. It’s just a random act of kindness and I really want to do it.”
After gathering herself for a moment, the mother said in a very emotional voice “Nobody has EVER done something like this for me.†and then began to tear up and so did I.
The clerk had overheard it all and said “That was so very, very nice.” I replied “Thank you but in a way it’s a bit selfish since it make me feel wonderful and I’ll feel that for a very long time!â€Â My impulse actually had more to do with me thinking that they really needed help but the wonderful feeling I got was great extra benefit.
I’m sure you have had similar feelings as you go out of your way to help others. My hope is that we will all step up and do it more and more. $50 worth of goods may not seem like much in the big scheme of things but it doesn’t really matter how much you impact others, just that you do. It will be something they aren’t likely to forget and will forever give them a warm, grateful memory. Knowing that just adds to that wonderful feeling you’ll get to carry around with you as well.
One of the reason’s I decided to make a fortune was that I figured the more financially successful I was the more I could give to others. Money and wealth should be a means to a much greater end–that of giving back. Paying it Forward. By helping others everybody is a winner and that is the way the world should and could work if we all do our part. Let’s all go out and do it!
P.S. I’ll have more in later blogs on clues, formulas and methods to making millions and helping others as you go.
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