

Great Ideas Live Forever

February 1, 2009 by  
Filed under blog

The great books of the world, unlike the great people, never die. Take the book: Think and Grow Rich. The message hasn’t aged at all. It is still spot-on today.

So far, in the month since it was released, my book seems to reach people of all ages. We’re at our home in Hawaii and as I talk about the year and look to the next, I’m seeing whales spouting off our back porch. One of our house guests here told me they gave a copy to their mother who is in her 70s. We also heard about a retired surgeon who is very excited about the book. I’ve also heard from someone in his 30s, who is already quite successful, and how he just loved it.

Right now my book is available on this site free of charge (get your free copy of How to Ignite your Passion for Living). I ask people to pay for multiple copies because they’re not for people to sell on eBay, but to spread ideas. It is my gift to you, in the spirit of giving.

I’d like nothing more for my books to leave a legacy that will continue to reach people who want to live passionately long after I’m gone.


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