Being Ready for Serendipity
Life is full of unexpected and random encounters. Sometimes the opportunity and the assistance you need to reach your goal or enact the change you want in your life will just drop into your lap from the most unexpected places. You need to be open and ready to grab on when serendipity comes your way.
It was just such an incident that led us to an invaluable and ever so delightful friendship with a wonderful, generous man named Krzysztof Fialkowski. My wife and I love to travel. Having a life that allowed us to travel and experience the multitude of cultures out there was a primary goal of mine when building my wealth and shaping our life. In our travels we run into many people and strike up an interesting conversation here and there but usually we just move on afterwards. When my wife got waylaid by a friendly stranger at a stop in Poland I thought of it as one of these momentary distractions and wandered off to look into the next leg of our adventure.
Eventually my wife brought her new acquaintance over and introduced him and we all chatted for a bit. An unexpected friendship bloomed right then and there and now Chris, as we call him, personally takes us around the neighboring countries when we visit Eastern Europe and has introduced us to places we would never have encountered if it had not been for him. My goal of experiencing different cultures was expanded on several levels by this random encounter. Had I been in more of a hurry that day we meet Chris and cut short the conversation, we would have missed out on an invaluable opportunity and friend.
You never know where serendipitous encounters will arise. Don’t make assumptions about what someone or some event can do for you. Get out and meet new people, go to a variety of social events, and visit new places, and seek learning from sources that stretch you. You never know what will come your way. It could be the very key you need to reaching your goal.
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