The Power of Book Notes
August 22, 2021 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
When I read books, I almost always write notes on the blank pages. I jot down a quote that strikes me or I write my own thoughts that were stimulated by what the author wrote. This week, I’d like to share some of my notes from a couple of great books. I hope they strike and motivate you the way they did me.
In Patrice Jenkins PhD’s great little book What Will I Do ALL DAY?, I wrote down a number of thoughts. Here are a few:
1. Structure can be and should be a very important part of our lives and now that I’m retired, I must push myself for more structure.
2. Set more deadlines and make more commitments and goals and always write them down with a time deadline.
3. Set my alarm and schedule time for working out and stretching.
4. Make a big deal out of small things in my life.
5. Remind myself often that, now that I am retired, I have time to turn molehills into mountains.
6. Remember that it’s very important when retired to find work for yourself.
7. Make a list of new places, cities and countries to visit — at least 6 more countries to add to my 94 already visited.
8. Write down my intentions for each and every day.
9. Take time to make a list of those things I love to do and push myself to concentrate on those items.
And here are a few gems I scribbled down when reading the book Write it Down and Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser.
1. Don’t forget that writing down my intentions works better than just speaking them.
2. Remind myself that I can’t have what I want most until I know what it is.
3. Writing is a good way to force my negative emotional reactions into words and not stomach churning.
4. I need to write down my intentions, my passions, my talents, then write down what actions I should, and can, take.
5. I need to take time to write down things that are not working for me in my life and let them go. Klauser ‘s suggested that you make that list then ceremoniously dispose of that paper, as in burn it or bury it.
Do these notes inspire you to make a few of your own now? Taking down notes as you read a book makes it a much more active and, ultimately, more productive read!
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