Courage for Living the Life You Want
March 9, 2018 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
Back on Feb 7, 2014, I wrote about how important “Courage” is in so many parts of our lives and gave my definition of it, which is, “Courage is going against the odds, against popular opinion. It’s doing what most people are unwilling to do because of the criticism and flak they know they will receive from family, friends or even strangers. Courage is living your life for you. It’s setting your own rules and policies and taking full responsibility when you fail or stumble. It’s resisting other people’s attempted manipulations of you. Courageous people do not accept all traditions, conventional wisdom, or pat answers without close scrutiny and severe questioning.â€
I certainly know how very critical courage is and as the title of Susan Jeffers great book states, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. This is a mantra to live your life by. It can bring huge success, not only in financial matters but in most every aspect of your life.
Today I picked up a book I wrote in 1983 titled, The Courage to Be Rich. In it, I read what I wrote about courage and “The Keys to Success” that, for the most part, are still relevant today 25 years later. Here is a section from what I read about my financial success.
A reporter once asked me to give him a list of what I considered to be the keys to success. Here’s the list I gave him.
- Everyone is going to die someday, so you might as well really go for it. Don’t be afraid of making a fool of yourself.
- Guts are not for sale; only you can supply that.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions even if you think they sound dumb–that’s how you learn.
- Use other people’s money; always, always, always ask the seller to carry the financing on whatever assets you’re buying.
- Seek out and find motivated sellers–people who want to sell something so badly they are desperate.
- Earn big bucks by purchasing the “yucks”—the property that nobody else wants. That’s where the money is.
- Use the tax laws to cut your taxes to zero.
- Success in anything is a numbers game. Do it enough times and you will become good at it; do it a bunch more times and you will become famous.
All these years later, I must say, that, for the most part, what I wrote back then still applies today for living a life with courage and making a good financial living.
By the way, I think my old book, The Courage to Be Rich, can be bought for around $8 on Amazon if you have any interest in reading it.
P.S. If you know someone who needs to lift their courage factor, you might pass this post on to them. Except maybe not to a teenager. It may give him, or her, too much courage and they might try to set their own rules and push back at you and the family. But when they are ready, these may be the words they need to conquer their fears and the world.
I recently read your blog posts on both courage and travel. I loved both of them. I have always been impressed with this quote from Mark Twain: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.â€
Great list, Mark. It was great meeting you and your lovely wife tonight at the book signing. If I can ever be of service please let me know.