

Serendipitous Affirmations

October 14, 2017 by  
Filed under blog

While unpacking my jammed-up suitcase in Paris, I was quite surprised to see a very small booklet that had been in my suitcase from a previous trip. The booklet was written by my very good friend and wonderful mentor, Paul J. Meyer, entitled Self-Talk Self-Affirmation Self-Suggestion, co-authored by John P. Gardner.  I glanced through the booklet and was a bit surprised by some fantastic quotes and great advice for super success as well as building yourself into exactly what you want to be and do in life.

Then I remembered that Paul Meyer used to teach a great reading lesson.  He said, in reading self-help type books or ones that are truly life inspiring and life changing, that “instead of reading hundreds, just read the ones that truly touch you and motivate you to be all that you can be.” He followed that with this key part that I have learned to be so true: “Keep re-reading the best books over and over again since all of us humans tend to forget so much.” And while you’re at it, I would strongly advise you to underline and write in the margins those principals and motivational directions that speak to you and help you become a better you.

So, when that hit me in the face I started reading that great little booklet again, even though I had read it many times before and, yep, I read some things that I had forgot all about or at least I had stopped doing or thinking about as I should have been.  Let me give you a few of his affirmations that struck me and hope they strike you and help you as well, even though you may have read or heard them many times before. So here are a few of those lines, starting with Paul Meyer’s definition of affirmations

To quote Meyer, an affirmation is “a declaration or statement about yourself, in the first person (I…) in the present tense (I am) specific, and about what you want to be, to do, to have, etc.”  We have learned through scientific study that you can actually trick the brain into believing what you say, especially if you say it over and over again.

French physician Dr. Émile Coué used to tell his patients they would improve faster if they said, over and over again, “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”  By the way, those that followed his instruction found that his method worked in spite of the ridicule of others.

” A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it,” Marcus Aurelius said.

Buddha said, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”

I would encourage you to think hard about a self-talk statement that would improve your life and be a great benefit to yourself, your family and the world. If you need some help, just refer back to some of the great self-help books you have read in your life. Or you can search my blog posts for more ideas for affirmations and positive self-talk.

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