Self-Check List Redux, Part 1
September 16, 2017 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
I was going through a bunch of my old blogs and in re-read this one below. I was very motivated by my list of questions aimed to make improvements in my life. There are 20 on the list in total. I will post 10 this week and 10 more in next week’s post. I hope they help you as much as they helped me back then as well as now with my latest review!
My Own Self-Check List, Part 1
I was getting myself better organized the other day and came across a list of 20 questions that I used in the past to help me focus on qualities I wanted to see in myself in order to have my own “Super Successâ€. I wrote the list back in December 2003 but reading it over, I found it just as relevant now as I did back then, so I wanted to share it with you all. I believe these, or your own personal variation, can help just about anyone.
Here are the first 10 and next week I will post the second group of 10. Read the list and ask yourself these questions:
- Am I being pro-active?
2. Do I believe in myself (How’s my self-esteem doing?)
3. Am I being “time conscious? (Life is very short so I want to live every day to the fullest. Even if I live to be 80 years old, that’s only a little over 700,000 hours!)
4. Do I spend time, planning, calculating, and running the numbers on various projects that I want to see succeed?
5. Do I make decisions that need to be made? Am I decisive enough and realize that it’s better to make more decisions and be wrong than to not be decisive?
6. Am I staying organized and do I keep working on being better at it?
(I test myself by observing my desk, my files, and even the backseat of my car.)
7. Do I do what I say I am going to do, both to myself and to others?
(My word needs to be my bond—my reputation will follow. My honor is my greatest power)
8. Do I have high ambitions and enough energy to follow through?
(I remind myself often of how I can create extra energy–like having great ideas and dreams along with focus for extra energy.)
9. How do I stick with a project?
10. How is my discipline factor? (I must remember that if I want to rule the world or any part of my own world I must rule myself first.)
If you find this list helpful–please feel free to pass it on to others that may benefit from it. And I would love it if you would drop me an email at and tell me how you liked this blog.
–MOH, May 11, 2012Â
Are you finding this list as helpful as I have? Well, don’t miss out on next week’s either. Sign up to get it by email at the top of the blog’s post page. If you are not reading this on the blog page, then go to my blog page to sign up and also have a look through the recent posts and archives sections you’ll find on the right-hand side. There’s even a search button on the top to help you find the subjects you’re most interested in reading. I hope you find more super helpful things in my past posts as well.
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