

A Team for Success

August 19, 2017 by  
Filed under blog

Keeping in line with the theme from last week’s post, here are a few more traits that most millionaires and multimillionaires have ingrained in their brains. These folks quite often …

… motivate others.

… have a strong work ethic and are not afraid of working very hard for what they want.

… are very coach-able

… seek out and find mentors.

… are passionate about their dream.

… take risks.

… have a strong desire to make lots of money.

… have a entrepreneurial mindset.

… are good at team building

… think big.

… have their money work for them.

… set goals.

… have great discipline and patience.

… have the ability to stay focused.

… understand and use compounding to create their wealth.

I would like to stress that to be super successful and make millions you don’t have to have all these traits and I’m pretty sure that very few people, if any, do. Still, it’s my opinion and experience that some of these traits are more essential and important than others when it comes to creating wealth. Once a person has set a goal to make megabucks and comes up with a great plan and a proven formula, a key trait to increase the chances of hitting that goal is that critical trait and ability to motivate others and build a good team. It’s pretty hard and very difficult, if not impossible, to build a fortune all by yourself. You must have a team of people around you.

Can you imagine someone trying to build a skyscraper without the help of anyone? That’s pretty much impossible and it’s the same with building a fortune.  One person can’t know or do everything.  In building my fortune I was always amazed by how much better and smarter some of my team were on so many issues. Yes, I would motivate, push, and delegate but it was my team that would make it all happen and they almost always delivered great results.

There is only 168 hours in a week and the only way you can get more hours and more great things done is by picking a great team, then motivate and delegate to make things happen. So, bottom line here, if you’re looking to make a fortune or add to the one you already have, seek out and find the best people for the job through referrals, lots of interviews, or whatever will help ensure you have a great team.

One last thought.  I find it so very fascinating and so critical to realized that I owe so many people for helping me to reach my goals. It is not just my team that did so much work but also those great mentors of mine that got me started and coached me along the way! They too are an essential part to my success and the success of so many other millionaires.


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