The Advantage of Honest Answers
August 7, 2015 by MarkHaroldsen
Filed under blog
There are certain questions that most of us hear nearly everyday. They go something like:
- How are you doing?
- How are you feeling?
- How’s everything in your life these days?
And what is our usual response?
- I’m doing fine.
- Oh, I feel pretty good.
- Things are moving along.
The answers that you normally don’t hear are:
- Not too good today.
- Oh man, I am feeling very depressed.
- Things are not going well in my life right now.
In our polite society we usually don’t dump our problems on others, not even our relatives or close friends. In most situations, that’s a good and considerate thing. But sometimes it might be a good for you and me to open up and tell the full truth, voice the negative or tough things that are going on in our lives and in our minds. Why? Because many times friends and relatives can be a big help.
It’s kind of strange that it’s perfectly acceptable in our society to tell someone that you have a cold but it’s a no-no to tell a friend you’re feeling down or depressed. Both conditions are real and there are treatments for both.
Recently, I met a longtime friend who said in the usual manner, “Hey Mark, how are you doing?” Suddenly, and to my surprise, I found myself telling him the truth, saying “Man oh man … I’ve really been depressed lately.”
Next thing I knew I was quickly apologizing for dumping my personal problems on him. But to my surprise he was not taken aback by my honesty but rather told me in turn that he too gets down and depressed. I was surprised to hear him say that because he always seems to be on top of the world and so very happy.
He then gave me some very good advice on things I could do to pull myself out of my slump and in a very short order I began to feel better. The advice he gave me were things I already knew but had slowly stopped doing. Things like eating foods that improve your mood and taking supplements like 5HTP and Saint John’s Wort. And just as important as all the rest … pushing myself to stay busy and keep connected to friends and relatives.
I think because I am a healthy and very wealthy person, people look at me and think I am always upbeat and positive and never get depressed. But, many times the problem is my advantages in life also make it difficult to feel motivated–I don’t have to work and I don’t have to do anything if I don’t want to. Even though that might seem to be a very good thing, it can be such a bad thing and can almost drive you crazy.
We all need to keep busy. We need to stay engaged and connected to friends and relatives. We also need challenges which mean constantly setting goals for ourselves and staying on track as we pursue those goals. Yes, I am preaching an old subject to you but I am very definitely preaching to myself! Because we all need a little reminder now and then. And to get that, sometimes all it takes is giving a friendly question an honest answer.
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