The Path to Your Own Fortune
Recently I wrote about a young man in Australia whose father bought my Financial  (How to Wake Up the Financial Genius Inside You) years ago and now this 28 year old Australian is very excited to put the step by step financial formula that I outlined in the book to work for him and create his own fortune. Of course I was very flattered and even more pleased to help someone since I had so many great people help me. Plus, I am a huge believer in the concept of “Paying it Forward” or in other words—giving back!
Most of my blogs in the past have been about non-financial things and more about gaining and keeping a great “Passion For Living” but, in today’s slowly recovering economy with many people out of work I think I just must address the very important subject of money. We all need it and most people want more of it and since I’ve got a bunch of it and have huge experience and success in making tons of money, I really want to help! And right now is the perfect time to go to work.
If you follow my financial formula you can create your own job and pay yourself very well—and yes you can do it from home. That’s right … you can make a fortune starting with virtually nothing and do it primarily from your kitchen table and like I said, right now the timing couldn’t be better!
My first million dollars (in net worth) was made by the time I was 31 years old. It took a little less than 4 years and the 2nd million took half that time and the 5th million took even less time. No, I didn’t rob a bank and I didn’t come from a family with lots of money. How did I do it? I did it by using other people’s money (OPM) that is, bank money and partner money and I was pretty darn lucky because the window of opportunity was wide open just like it is for you right now!
On next week’s blog I will give some very specific things that you need to do if you want to forge ahead toward making your own fortune, large or small. But first, do this for me … decide and be determined to make your fortune. Don’t question it or worry about how you’ll do it. Just get that idea well-planted in your mind then next week, I’ll give you the first steps you’ll need to put you on the path towards your dream.
If you are at the stage of your life where you’re very comfortable and not looking to make more money then you might want to pass this post and the ones to follow on to someone you know and want to help in the financial part of their lives. I’m sure they’ll love you forever for doing that.
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