

Goals and Mind Health

August 10, 2012 by  
Filed under blog

I have been talking about strategies that work based on scientific research done and summarized in Kelly McGonigal’s book The Willpower Instinct. I promised I would give you more strategies to work on this week. But before I give you some more strategies that will help you to stick with your goals I wanted to share with you a very interesting conclusion from Woman’s World magazine about an extra benefit of setting a lot of goals.

They said based on 12 year research project of Robert Wilson at Rush University medical center in Chicago —“whether you long to write a novel or learn to ski, a new study shows that people with the most goals have an 89% lower risk of ever developing Alzheimer’s disease! Having goals makes you less prone to stress and depression, which have been linked to a great risk of Alzheimer’s”.  Wow! That alone ought to motivate us to not only have more goals but develop a good solid workable strategy for sticking with and reaching our goals.  I mean let’s face it, the more with are able to stick with our goals the more likely we are willing and wanting to set more and more goals for ourselves.

So here is another strategy or two that work.

1. This week, work on remembering what it is you really want when you are tempted to give in to your human side. For example … do you really want that great looking brownie or do you really want to fit into a pair of skinning jeans?

2.  Work this week on changing your brain and I mean changing it physically. You really can change it physically by doing one little thing every day for 5 minutes: Meditation.   It has been proven with MRI brain scans that just 5 minutes of meditation a day increases the blood flow to your brain and consequently actually increases the size of your grey matter.

Just a little more focus and those five minutes a will help keep you from being distracted as easily which can help you succeed in sticking with the goals you set for yourself. That gives you more of that thing we all want more of—-Willpower!


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