

The High Value of a Hard Won Success

October 30, 2009 by  
Filed under blog

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was going back to compete in the Men’s Singles Tennis Tournament at the Huntsman World Senior Games. Two years ago I won the gold, last year I won the bronze. I am very happy to let you know that this year I won the gold, again. I was as happy about winning the gold this time as I was the first time primarily because I have worked so hard to regain my first place position.

If I won the gold year after year in this competition, the excitement would diminish quickly. But because the tournaments are still challenging for me, I knew I would have to work hard to regain a first place position. If it was too easy, the win would have been far less valuable and not nearly so satisfying.

That’s why I tell you to push yourself and choose goals that will challenge you and test your abilities and determination. Besides the fact that lofty goals will encourage you to go farther than you would if you set moderate goals, the intense feeling of achieving something you had not accomplished before is amazing and as well as being an extremely strong motivator to keep going. A win with no effort will feel empty. Just look at all the lottery winners who have ended up being miserable. Personal success that is accomplished after long, hard hours of work and persistence will always have an intrinsically higher value than anything that just drops in your lap.

You can read more about setting goals for higher personal satisfaction in Chapter 9 of my book. And remember, you can now buy the books for below wholesale when you buy 10 or more at a time. Just write Michael Hansen at with your order to get this huge discount.


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