

Share your great discoveries + book discounts

October 23, 2009 by  
Filed under blog

Human beings naturally like to share, but at the same time, we tend to share frugally. We like to share our good news, our bad encounters, our opinions, our troubles, our workload, our days off and the latest gossip.

On the other hand, we tend to hoard valuable finds if we think it will cost us money or time. This kind of thinking is rather backwards. As they say, talk is cheap. If you are going to take the time to tell someone about something so that they really understand and believe in your convictions, it will usually take a lot less time and energy to just show them.

For instance, telling people at work that you found the best bakery in town just around the corner will never have as much impact as bringing in and sharing a box of the baked goods.

This kind of thinking is what is behind the writing of How to IGNITE Your Passion for Living. I wanted to share my formula for success. But rather than just talk to people about it, I put it down in a book that people could use to follow my steps to success and see for themselves how well it works.

I am always looking for more ways to share these ideas. I have noticed that many of my readers write to tell me that the book helped them so much, they have bought copies for others as well. I’d like to encourage all my readers to share the valuable insights in the book by doing the same. But to make it easier, I’m going to start offering significant discounts for ordering multiple copies.

You can still get a single copy of the book for just the cost of shipping and handling through this site but the offer for a FREE copy of the book ends in just a few days. The retail price of a single soft bound book is $14.95 plus shipping and handling.

But from now on, I’ll offer you a bulk discount so you can pass the book on to people you’d like to share these techniques with:  $5 a piece for orders of 10-19 copies or $4 for 20 or more. And I’ll even cover the shipping and handling for you.

Just send my personal publisher, Michael Hansen, an email at with your book order requests. He’ll get in touch directly, and personally handle all the details.

As Norman MacEwan said,

“Happiness is not so much in having, as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”


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