

Looking Ahead in 2009 – Life Goals

February 10, 2009 by  
Filed under blog

My focus for the new year is my health and diet. Thanks to my daughter I’ve enrolled in a yoga class. There is everyone from a 7 year old to a 70 year old. As you age you lose your flexibility, you can’t move as easily. You must counter-attack this by pushing yourself, and by stretching. Another thing is by being in a group you introduce competition, which can push you to try harder and to not give up.

I’m eating more fruits and vegetables and natural foods now. It’s harder to do that eating out at a restaurant. So I try to stay home and eat where it’s easier to control. When I do eat out, I bring my own whole wheat pasta or choose healthier dishes.

Another focus of this year is that I have re-ignited my passion for public speaking. When I recently spoke to a Kiwanis Club group, I remembered how much I like speaking. It went well and I remembered why I like doing it.

I want to be on Oprah to talk about igniting your passion for life. I’ve been on 11 radio stations, and various TV promotions, but that would be the top of the top. Why do I want to meet her? She is a self-made multi billionaire who started from scratch. And she built this without taking advantage of other people. She did it through work.

What about you? What do you want to do in 2009 to live a passionate life?


One Response to “Looking Ahead in 2009 – Life Goals”

  1. Peter Ward on June 11th, 2009 6:33 pm

    Well what do u know,,,its,,Hawaii Mark-O..Im still livin ur ” IGDS “philosophy,.. So much to do, and so little time .,,So,,Nike’s “Just Do It” fits in also. This led to my own daily rant ,,”INNW” ,, If Not Now,,When? Thanks 4 the inspiration. Peter Ward,,Salem,OR.

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