Straying Off Course and Getting Back
This year was a dichotomy – between almost losing my friend and then spending time celebrating life with him. At 65 years old, my friends are starting to die. It makes you contemplate what you’ve done with your life. These are wake up calls that make you introspective. In this case, I became rededicated to the same themes that I have been talking about for years.
At 65 you think differently than you did when you were younger. Basically when you’re younger, it’s ME, ME, ME. I’ve thought more about contributing to the world. Men seem to have this problem more than women. Incidentally. I think that’s why I believe God’s a woman. Women aren’t out there starting wars.
We all stray off-course. However, we can go back to setting goals and creating a passionate life. It led me to the promotion of my passion for life, and to my book that expresses and shares my ideals. Nothing would please me more than to give out a million copies and not make a dime than sell hundreds of copies and make a million dollars.
My book, Ignite your Passion for Living could be life-changing for many people. It could help the world immensely. The stories from people who have read it are just beginning to come in. I’ll share them with you as I get permission.
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