Top 3 Things you can do to Help Build Wealth
Many of you want to build wealth and these are the top 3 things that I’ve used to help me in my life.
- Read good books about finance. Then think about, and find someone to discuss your ideas with. Find someone who has been successful at building wealth. Don’t listen to the talkers of big success but the doers that have really done it.
- Record your thoughts in a journal as you read. This will help you retain knowledge.
- Write down your goals along with timeframes of when you will reach them.
I love this quote: “Always have two books – one to read from and one to write in.” As mentioned in the first point, find people that are good at what you want to learn. All my life I’ve looked for mentors – people who have been successful at what I want to learn. I’ll go into this more in my next post.
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Tom Humes