The Surefire Way to Stick with Every Goal
Many don’t muster the discipline and the necessary, consistent behavior and actions to get the job completely done. Do you start a project or set a specific goal only to give up before you’ve completed it? Well guess what? You’re pretty darn normal. Funny thing is that we all start out with such great hopes and enthusiasm and we think we’re doing all the right things and we’re going to “stick with it†this time. But many times we don’t. What’s missing? Is there some magic or secret to sticking to every goal you’ve ever set? As a matter of fact, there is something you can do that is almost magic and works almost all of the time. What is it? It’s one fairly simple step that you can take that will dramatically increase your chances of achieving your ONE BIG GOAL (and most of your small goals too), and you’ll do it right on your time schedule. What is that step or the secret that will help you make a quantum leap in your ability to see your dreams through to reality? You’re about to find out.
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