

Clone Yourself with the Amazing “L” Factor

August 13, 2008 by  
Filed under Chapter 8

I’m sure you’ve taken note of certain people whose lives seem packed full of many super activities, adventures, and experiences.

Have you ever wondered how they do it all? Well, the answer lies in making, keeping, and working off of lists.

For example, British billionaire, Sir Richard Branson, credits his list making of the things he wants to accomplish as the key to his getting so much done. He takes the time to go down that list often, adding to it and checking off each item as it is completed. Today, his Virgin Group of businesses owns about 200 different companies. Among these companies are businesses that specialize in air travel, financial, retail, music, cell phones, Internet, even hotels, and a railroad. That’s a lot to keep track of in the business side of his life, but he also has a very active personal life.

In 1999 Branson attempted and broke world records in hot air balloon travel and in a transatlantic crossing in a small boat.

Pop star Madonna also has a reputation as a big list maker. Although her accomplishments are in different areas than Branson, she attributes her list-making to keeping track of her priorities and getting so much done.

Lists are one of the secrets used by the rich and famous to use every day of their lives, to support their businesses, and to expand their ventures.

List making is a common trait of millions of successful people regardless of race, sex, nationality, or occupation.


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